Please Join Our Monthly Symposium!
Each month, on the third Saturday, our think tank holds a Gratitude Symposium, where we have insightful conversations with professionals and practitioners worldwide on service, practice, and abundance in gratitude. We would love for you to attend the next symposium!
Please check below for all prior symposiums.
Our next symposium is scheduled for Saturday, June 1. Please RSVP.
Fourth Symposium June 1:
The Impacts of Gratitude on Health
Thanks to all who made our 4th Le Gratitude Symposium a great Success! is a global think tank dedicated to the research, discussion, and service of gratitude worldwide. We aspire to revolutionize the human experience through shared experiences, results, and definitions of gratitude to end internal suffering and build the life of abundance you deserve. Our June 1st symposium brought together health professionals from around the world to discuss the impacts of gratitude on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Third Symposium New Year's Day: How Service Brings Abundance
All Videos
Thanks to all who made our 3rd Le Gratitude Symposium a great Success. is a global think tank dedicated to the research, discussion, and service of gratitude worldwide. We aspire to revolutionize the human experience through shared experiences, results, and definitions of gratitude to end internal suffering and build the life of abundance you deserve. Our 2024 New Year's day symposium discussed our services in gratitude, resulting in a life of abundance and welcomes participants and viewers to make a donation in honor of their gratitude to Heroic Hearts Organization work to end suffering in Gaza and Palestine.
Our First Symposium
On September 30th, 2023
Speaker List for Symposium 1
Nasir Moinuddin
An executive with Marvel Technology, a semiconductor company, and a philanthropist involved in helping people all over the world. He is always the first one to jump and help when it comes to One Ummah and is teaching his family how to give.
Craig Peterson
Seasoned Technologist, who with his vision and hard work created 3 of the most important divisions for Intel, microelectronic, enterprise, and open silicone. These helped create thousands of jobs for people. He is always willing to keep learning and contribute to society with a goal to win victories for humanity.
Dr. Noiredine Hadi
Helps thousands of people in underdeveloped countries with their dental work. Procedures that may be too expensive for people, he takes care of them Pro Bono and is ready to jump at any opportunity to help people.
Dr. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz
Does more Pro Bono plastic surgery to help children born with Cleft Palate than anyone else in the world. He is based in Lahore and travels the world to help as many people as possible. He is also a partner with One Ummah.
Dr. Maqsood Ahmed
Established an organization called Hometown Foundation which works with those that don’t have access to addiction help. He does drug awareness training, helps families, and works with professionals to bring awareness to substance abuse and addiction.
Tazaiyun Oomer
The mother Teresa of Bangalore. She is the founder of A Humane Touch India and helps take care of orphanages, single moms, and helps distribute rations with One Ummah.
Missed out?
You can access the symposium recording below!