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Join Le Gratitude Institute for a New Years Symposium

Join us for our New Year's gratitude symposium to discuss how the practice of service in gratitude manifests in abundance. The discussion topics are:

1. how can we cultivate an internal gratitude practice?

2. How does our internal gratitude overflow into acts of service for humanity?


Le Gratitude Institute invites you to donate to Heroic Hearts Organization’s work in Gaza with matching donations of up to $10,000 from The One Ummah Foundation.

Short Discussion:

Living a gratitude-filled life takes dedication and self-sacrifice because if you are truly grateful, you understand that you are equal to everyone and that everyone is equal to you. In practice, you are the servant of everyone, and no one owes you anything. To be genuinely grateful means that no matter the external circumstances, you are assured of yourself and your strength to carry out your purpose on earth, to build a more just, beautiful, and selfless society. In reality, this often means simple things, like giving the benefit of the doubt to the service person who seemingly has a bad attitude, slowing down and not asserting yourself in traffic, and never losing an opportunity to tell those around you positive and beautiful things. It means watering your plants and caring for you, the children, patiently, and not only your own children but all the children as they are equal in value to your own because, in truth, we are all one family.

Please join us to discuss some of these ideas and practices at our New Year symposium at 7:30 AM Pacific Standard Time. We welcome everyone from around the world to come and listen to some insightful speakers and to provide their own perspectives, and share yours, as we are also given the opportunity to donate some of our funds in honor of service to gratitude.


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